Welcome to Carpenter Elementary's Library Webpage

Carpenter Builds Readers.
Help us keep it that way!
Our students read. A LOT!
Your JCES library needs adult volunteers to help keep the circulation cart cleared off by reshelving materials that students and teachers return throughout the day.
If you know your ABC's and 1, 2, 3's YOU ARE QUALIFIED!
"When can I volunteer? I only have a bit of time here and there..."
When you drop your student off, stay for an hour.
Come eat lunch with your child and volunteer before or after their lunch for a moment.
An hour before dismissal (1:30-2:30) works great too!
"Can I bring my younger child who isn't in school yet?"
Depends on your child. The library is the hub of the school, and we have students in group lessons, small tutorials, and working individually. It is a busy learning environment! Some young ones are happy to sit quietly and read (or nap), while others aren't happy at all. See Mrs. Coleman if you'd like to try it out one day.
"How do I sign up? This sounds like a great way to help the whole school!"
Fill out a Background Check through PfISD (required annually). CLICK HERE to link you to that requirement.
Talk to Mrs. Coleman or send an email by clicking HERE.